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photo of My Inner Spring


THE MASTERPIECE –“My Inner Spring”

My daughter, Tina, is an Artist, whose paintings are uniquely and prophetically inspired. These original pieces truly speak to you in inexplicable ways. The paintings are sold through a website that replicates and distributes high quality prints for a fraction of the cost of the original. Her work can be seen here»

Recently, I ordered a fine print copy with a two-inch border and frame. I was so pleased when it arrived. I absolutely loved it and appreciated everything about it. It looked identical to the original and it looked amazing on my freshly painted wall.

Upon seeing it, my daughter’s reaction was, “why would you buy a copy when you have the original?” My reason is that they are “her” originals and I wanted a copy of my own to display as I wished and where I wished.

Weeks went by and I continued to enjoy my beautiful piece of Art. Meanwhile, a local cafe had offered my daughter an opportunity to display her art at their place. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she quickly began the preparations by sorting out the inventory. As she carefully examined and displayed her pieces in my living room, I came across the original of “My Inner Spring”.

It’s Just a Copy

Upon gazing at it, I suddenly felt like the title became reality and there was a leap in my “Inner Spring”. The details, the texture, and the life (so to speak) that the original brought were beyond my realm of comprehension. Suddenly my copy became just that, “a Copy”.

I couldn’t shake it off. How could something that I was so pleased with, now be reduced to just a “copy”?   I happened to love the copy until the day that I came in contact with the original and my eyes were now “enlightened”.

Don’t get me wrong, the copy was of high quality paper and expertly framed. Yet, it no longer seemed like the real thing. An overwhelming sense of disappointment tugged my heart and it suddenly didn’t seem the same. My daughter of course said, “Mom, you can have any painting you want. You can have the original. I don’t have to sell it.” Although I appreciated it, I strongly encouraged her to keep them on the market.

Good News, Bad News

I don’t know if I was secretly wishing it wouldn’t be sold but the day she entered my kitchen to announce the good news and the bad news, was a bittersweet moment. I was very excited that she had a buyer for the original. I celebrated with her and assured her things were great. I actually believed it myself.

The Moment of Truth

The time came, and as she packed up the original for delivery, I couldn’t help but wanting to take a last peek of the masterpiece before it left. Once packed, she left the package in my foyer awaiting the courier. For a whole day, every time I passed by it, my heart wept a bit and I had this overwhelming desire for one last peek.

If I am so happy she is making money, people loving her art, and is establishing herself as an artist, why am I having such a hard time parting with the painting?

The Consolation

Sensing my mourning of the painting, my daughter graciously offered to paint me another one. Whaaat? I, of course, was ecstatic. I made sure to remind her to capture all the little details of the painting that I loved so much. I couldn’t wait to recapture that moment! I’m not sure but I think I might have taken a leap or two in my kitchen…. That is, until she said, (in a silly mom type of voice) “Mom. I can’t do that! I can’t recapture the moment. The steps, the motions and strokes I used while under inspiration are one of a kind. That is why there is only one original. All the others are copies” Whoa, I feel a sermon coming!!!

 The Heavenly Perspective – You Are An Original!

I immediately began to see things from a heavenly perspective. How does God feel when we try to settle for the imitation and not the original? How does He feel when we settle for others people’s opinion of us? And how does He feel when others dictate our destiny and prevent us from our divine purpose? It’s kind of like a slap to the creator.

God spoke the world into existence. Everything He created was by speaking it. That is until He came to his most precious creation, mankind. With His own hands, man was carefully created from the dust of the earth. Then God, Himself, breathed the breath of life into him. Woman was carefully and strategically taken from one of man’s ribs and God “fashioned” her and created a masterpiece. Dare I say that God was the original Fashionista? Is it any wonder women love to shop?

How To Be An Original – KNOW Who You Are!

  1. Know That You ARE a Masterpiece

I know it’s hard for some to imagine that we are a masterpiece. When we see these beautiful women on the screen and magazines, we tend to gauge ourselves by the barometer that society has dictated, leaving us feeling inferior.

  1. Know That You ARE Perfect To God

Just like the paintings, we come in all sizes, colors and details. Some paintings inspire and others are barely noticeable. But each painting has its own story created by the Artist. And each one of us has a perfect plan from God.

  1. Know That You HAVE Your Own Unique Destiny

We all have a purpose that no one else can fulfill like you can. If someone else is walking in YOUR plan, they are a copy. It is only when you discover the purpose, for which you were created, that you will begin your walk into your divine destiny and your genius will emerge. You will finally feel complete for the first time.

Bible Story – If The Shoe Don’t Fit…..You Don’t Have to Wear it!!!

Before David became king, no one thought of him as a king. His own father did not consider him when the prophet was seeking the next king. He called all his sons for the audition, except David who was tending sheep. I mean, God would never consider David. Or would he?

His brothers and father rejected David. However, God noticed him, God called for him, and God chose him.

When David was divinely inspired to fight the giant, people didn’t believe in him. Even King Saul gave David his armor and his shoes for David to fight in. He insisted that David fight the battle the way the king himself did it.

 Fashioned By God

David did not allow others to fashion him or make him walk in someone else’s shoes. He knew his destiny and he knew his purpose. He did not listen to popular opinion. Those years in the wilderness were his time of being fashioned to be an original.

 The Battle

When he went down to the valley, he took the most original weapons and the most original method of battle that was designed and fashioned by God. With that, he conquered his enemy and eventually became the king of Israel. He refused to walk in someone else’s shoes. He refused to be a copy and instead functioned as an original. He accomplished it as the warrior he was created to be and not the way he was expected to be.

Who Is Fashioning You?

Whose armor is fashioning you? Whose battle are you fighting? Whose shoes are you choosing to walk in?

God fashioned YOU! He fought YOUR battle and He chose the shoes and path FOR YOU to walk in. Don’t be a copy. Be an original. Discover your purpose today. Dare to be different!


Prayer: Lord I pray that we find the original purpose for which we were created. Give us wisdom as to how to step out of other people’s armor, battles and shoes. Let us not allow anyone but you to fashion us and fashion our destiny.



1 Samuel 16 – Rejected by his father but appointed by God

1 Samuel 17 – Defeated Goliath

Psalm 139:13-17 (NIV)

  1. For you created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
  2. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
  3. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth
  4. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
  5. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!